Labels:dialog box | hakham | laptop | monitor | sky | web site | window OCR: Scan Dicks Dist Scan processes whol surface of the physical device searching poochi ogics drives volumes and thethe existing dnmaned deleter Scan reade ach did sector rvingto re construct the struchre hased or systen structures that remain or the disk surfac Thisis slow process noweve tusuall cives Driwe PhysicalDriveO 1488397168 sectors] Zastrre Local DiskC oralD 500 MR NTFE 835 MB 2.18M Physical.. 488397168 Scan entire dist cated arear onh Selec speciti area to scar Selec scan area buisn predefined options select exac scan range usinc arrow markers sik(scan results'scsn- -5D-16567.scan Detedt partitions Advanced Use FR System lookup filters to detec partition certain Tih systen FAT FAT32 HFS+ Ext2 ClearAll Ext3 Ext4 UFS Select Al Multiple disi scan ACDVeOLNDEILETE scanning several physic ...